Be a Blogger on the Site
- You can blog if you are a Spiritual Director.
- Posting your blog will require submission of your work to the site editor as a document (doc, docx, pages, etc.) and a photo in the correct format (jpeg, png, etc.).
- The blog should not be longer than 500 words (300-500 words is ideal).
- You must submit with your blog post a copyright-free photo that relates to your post.
- There will be no “comment section” attached to your blog post.
- You will be identified as “other tomatoes” If you wish to be contacted by readers, please make it known as a part of your blog post document –– e.g., [Name] can be contact at
- Ducks, Tomatoes, and US reserves the right to edit your work. Any major edits will not be posted without your permission.
- Please do not use anyone's real name in your blog unless you are making reference to something that they have written and can provide the source (web address) and the link.
- Consider ending your story with an evocative question.
How to Submit Your Story
- Upload your blog using this form
- Include:
a. Name.
b. Email address.
c. Blog post document with title.
d. Include your email address in the document if you wish to be contacted.
e. Copyright-free photo for your story.
f. Commernts, if nercerssary.